Bath Auto Services
THE M.O.T Centre in Bath, the first choice for your Car or Bike MOT
Bath Auto Services M.O.T Centre is a family run, friendly, independent MOT centre. Our staff are not paid commission, so you’re not pressured into have unnecessary work done. All our work is fully guaranteed, we can even service your new car. Our bills are easy to understand with no hidden extras. We work with all makes of car.
Car MOT £52.00 - Bike MOT £29.50
Special: MOT £40.00 when taken with a Major or Interim service.
One free re-test within 10 working days.
About Bath Auto Services
Bath Auto Services has long been a popular destination for many local motorists when it comes to repairing and maintaining their vehicles. We're independently run, and family owned.
The latest MOT facilities are installed at our Stable Yard, Bath including a sophisticated rolling road for cars, vans and motorcycles.
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